Sunday, 21 April | 12:00 PM


* Equipped with vibrating backpacks for people with hearing impairments. For information and reservations, please contact us at eforment@olot.cat

* There will be no chairs for the audience at this show.


You have the watch; we have the time.

Otempodiz is a piece that combines urban, traditional and contemporary choreographic languages, delving into the diverse ways we exist, perceive and engage with time. In the Western world, time is counted, measured, bought, sold, planned and organised. It is a tool. In Africa, however, time is lived, owned and created. It is an integral part of life. Time can be experienced in myriad ways, and dance empowers us to experience it in an absolute present. Otempodiz stands as an artistic exchange and creation project unfolding between Mozambique and Spain, an initiative designed to showcase the talent of Mozambican dancers.


Founded in 2004 under the artistic direction of dancer and choreographer Asier Zabaleta, Ertza emerged with the vision of establishing a new realm for choreographic expression, unbound by limitations and conventions. Ertza’s productions strive to intertwine diverse disciplines with dance, delving into contemporary themes as well as human and social contradictions. Since its inception, Ertza has presented its works across a global stage, spanning countries such as China, the Philippines, Brazil, Peru, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Israel, Russia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Poland, Mozambique, Portugal and Spain. Their piece Meeting Point earned the Umore Azoka Award (2017) for Best Street Performance and the MAX Award (2018) for Best Street Performance.


Original idea, direction and choreography: Asier Zabaleta / Performers: Fenias Nhumaio and Deissane Machava / Production: Ertza Sorkuntza Artistikoa S.L.




supported by: Ambaixada d'Espanya a Moçambic – Cooperació Espanyola (AECID),Gipuzkoako Dantzagunea (Diputació Foral de Guipúscoa), Festival Atlantikaldia.



12:00 pm
Free admission
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© Martí Albesa
Live arts itinerary
Su 21.04.24 | 12:00 PM
Parc Nou
Sismògraf Programme