Companyia Eva Durban

Tuesday, 30 April | 8:30 PM
DURATION:  60 minutes

The latest choreographic creation from the Eva Durban Company.


And we were so captivated, the desire was so immense... that we stopped listening. The silence, which imparts significance to all things, gradually faded away. Where is it now?
tells us, if we listen. If we listen. Yet, we acknowledge, it’s hard to turn our gaze inward when everything seems so close. Among dance, among the lights and shadows, heading towards the place where prisons turn into workshops of freedom, and the curtains become the main stages. Where is what we compulsively seek until we exhaust ourselves? Inside, outside? Or perhaps everywhere?
Entre interweaves everything with the same golden thread, subtly, at times wildly, revealing to us the ineffable nature of the silence that embroiders everything.


The Eva Durban Company, renowned for its innovative approach to contemporary dance, continues to feature dancers with unique biomechanical movements in this performance, creating a lively mix of dynamics and expressions. The meticulous selection of music enhances the emotional impact of the experience.
Eva Durban is a dancer, professional choreographer, and teacher of classical, contemporary, modern dance and jazz. Dance is her passion, and she has devoted her life to teaching. With over 35 years of experience, she has come to realise that dance is accessible to everyone, offering a way for individuals to move, express themselves and discover their best selves through this artistic discipline.


Idea: Marco Mattarucchi, Paula Hernández and Eva Durban / Choreography and direction: Eva Durban / Assistant choreographer: Francesc Bravo / Performers: Àlex Olivares, Isaac Serarols, Julià Gràcia, Xantal Pereira, Petra Oliver and Julia Magallanes / Technical and lighting design: Marco Mattarucchi / Audio editing: Xavier Batlle / Costume design and production: Aina March / Voiceover: Jordi Coromina / Synopsis: Pablo Palmero




Coproduced by: Centre d'Arts Escèniques El Canal



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